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Shuffle array c

Shuffle array c
  1. How do you shuffle an array in C?
  2. How do you shuffle an array?
  3. What does shuffle do in C?

How do you shuffle an array in C?

Shuffle array in C

  1. Iterate through the array for, say, 100 times and exchange a random index with another random index.
  2. Create a new array and fill it with random indices from the first one checking each time if the index is already taken (performance = 0 complexity = serious)

How do you shuffle an array?

Shuffle Array using Random Class

We can iterate through the array elements in a for loop. Then, we use the Random class to generate a random index number. Then swap the current index element with the randomly generated index element. At the end of the for loop, we will have a randomly shuffled array.

What does shuffle do in C?

The shuffle function helps in generating a random sequence of numbers easily. This function swaps numbers with internal elements quickly. If there is no random generator function specified the default of the shuffle() function's will be taken.

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